
It Started As A Hobby.

Hello and Welcome!

My name is Felicia and I’m so glad you are here!

Totally Knots Designs started as a hobby once the pandemic hit. I needed to do something other than binge watch tv shows.

I had a ton of plants around the house but a lot of them were suffering from a lack of light. That is when a light bulb went off in my head, “I should make a plant hanger.” I made one then another and soon enough our house was covered with macramé plant hangers! Then soon after, I moved on to creating wall hangings and fun pieces with antiques. After sending pictures out to friends and family of my creations, I realized I wanted to make this into my side gig business.

In May of 2020, I opened my Etsy shop and sold over 20 items in the first month. I couldn’t believe the love and support I was getting from everyone. Getting a sale for the first time from your own shop is the best feeling! Whether it’s creating new pieces or filling orders, I love it all!

I have so much learning to do but that will come with time. If you would like to chat with me about my journey or just to say ‘hi’ send me a message! Also, if you don’t see something on my page that you were hoping to find talk to me. I’m open to ideas and love to create new pieces for anyone!

Chat soon,
